Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tia Marcela with Rafa and Mommy at the Lake Medina

Tia Ana veio visitar qd a Marcela se mudou pra ca! Fomos pra Gruene, TX passear e tava tao quente q tiramos a roupa do Rafa:)

Rafael having rice cereal for the first time! Rafa was exclusively breastfed for 6months, then formula and rice cereal was added and total of 9months of breastfeeding:) It was not easy and my mom and I used to joke (not to cry) about the "vaca leiteira". I used to take the pump to the hospital. Now I'm doing the same thing for Lucas...

What a first day! Baby Lucas was in a good mood from day 1! Samia came to visit and hold him tenderly! Titia Marcela came later in the day and brought big brother Rafael! I think the second delivery and hospitalization went smoother...I was still exhausted, but probably calmer since I knew what to expect. Victor stayed w me at the hospital while Tia Marcela and Vovo Vera took care of Rafa.